Melvern City Departments
Here you can find a list of all the different departments inside the city, council members, city ordinance, and a list of agendas and minutes.
City Clerk
The office of the City Clerk is responsible for recording, indexing and preserving Melvern’s valuable permanent records. Other responsibilities of the City Clerk’s Office include:
- Meeting notices
- Council minutes and agendas
- Annual City Budget
- Cereal Malt Beverage Licenses
- Permits
- Notary services
- Local Freedom of Information Officer
- Human Resources
- Utility Billing and Collections
The Melvern City Clerk’s Office is located in City Hall at 121 NW Main St
Office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Phone: 785-549-3447
Fax: 785-549-3286
Municipal Court
The Melvern Municipal Court is presided over by the Honorable Judge Lori Breshears.
Municipal Court is held at the Melvern City Hall beginning at 6 p.m. the First Wednesday of Each Month.
The Municipal Court Clerk prepares the afternoon’s docket and maintains the court records. The Municipal Court Clerk is also responsible for collecting fines, and issuing subpoenas for the necessary witnesses. All paperwork including complaints, bench warrants, dispositions and court orders issued by the court are the responsibilities of the Court Clerk.
For questions please email the Court Clerk at
Planning & Zoning
Article XXII Section 2. BUILDING PERMITS REQUIRED: Unless a Building Permit has been obtained for the Building Inspector, no construction, building, moving, remodeling or reconstruction of an structure shall begin, and no improvement of land preliminary to any use of that land will begin. Any Building Permit issued in conflict with the provisions of these regulations shall be null and void. Building Permit Fee $50
The Planning & Zoning Committee meets the 1st Monday of each Month at 6pm.
Railroad Park/Skate Park – Open 6am to 10pm
Located SE Corner of Main St and Blake St
Melvern City Park – Open 6am to 10pm
Parking prohibited in alley during Closed Hrs
Located at 142 SE Main St
Riverfront Park – Open 6am to 10pm
Located at 710 NE Pine St
Reporting A Problem
* We encourage you to use the form below to report a concern or problem.
You can: Email City Hall at, drop off at City Hall drop box or office during normal business hours.
Osage Co Fire Dist #3
Address: 142 SE Hollman, Melvern KS
Phone #: 785-549-3374
Meets every 2nd Monday of the Month at the Fire Dept @ 7:30PM
City Government
The Melvern City Council normally meets on the first Mondays of every month, 7:00 pm, in the City Hall Meeting Room. Contact the City Office if you would like to attend or be put on the agenda or require special accommodation.
Melvern is governed by the Mayor/Council form of government. The Mayor serves a two-year term. Each council member serves a four-year term with staggered elections every two years.
Mayor: Eric Vogeler (Term Expires Jan 2026)
Council Members:
Kim Speer (Terms Expires Jan 2026)
Dan Bowers (Term Expires Jan 2026)
Frank Warner (Term Expires Jan 2028)
Derek Haines (Term Expires Jan 2028)
Jerry Beeman (Term Expires Jan 2026)
Police Department
The City of Melvern contracts with the Osage County Sheriff’s Office to patrol our town and keep it safe.
Emergency Phone: 911
Non-Emergency Phone: 785-828-3121
Contact information for drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers or services.
Animal Control – Dog Tags Required
To help insure the safety of your dog and to comply with the City of Melvern Ordinance No 291, Melvern residents are reminded that all dogs more than six months old and kept within the Melvern city limits, are required to have a yearly license. Each owner of a dog shall pay a yearly fee of $5.00 per neutered dog or $8.00 otherwise for each dog on or before April 1st to avoid penalties and also furnish a certificate showing the animal has been vaccinated for rabies. A $20.00 fine shall be added to the license fee when not paid by March 31st.
Pet License Application CLICK HERE! A License may be purchased at City Hall or by filling out application, including appropriate fee and copy of Current Rabies Vaccination documentation in an envelope to drop off in City Drop Box or Mail to City of Melvern PO Box 116, Melvern, KS 66510
Water, Sewer, and Trash Service
Annual Consumer Confidence Report
We are committed to providing up-to-date drinking water quality information to our customers. If you would like to know more about your water provided by the City of Melvern, click on the CCR report below covering the calendar year 2023.
Water Quality Report CLICK HERE!
*Paper copies of the report are available at City Hall.
Melvern City water is purchased from Public Wholesale District #12. The city sewer system is owned by the City. The trash service is contracted by the city through Green Environmental Services.
Each customer is billed monthly for water, sewer and trash by the city.
Utility Deposit
A non-refundable Utility Set-Up fee of $100.00 Cash is required for first time customers or any customer not having utilities within the City for (1) year. In order to establish service, person(s) must come to City Hall and fill out a utility application and provide valid ID (Copy of Photo ID Required). Accounts will not be set up over the phone or without payment of deposit.
Billing Cycle and Payment of Bill:
Meters are read around the 15th of the month. Bills are mailed before the 1st and are due by the 10th; if the 10th falls on a non-working day, payment is due on the next business day. Delinquent accounts shall be assessed a $5.00 late charge. Late notices shall be mailed on the 11th or next working day, payments in full due by noon on the 21st of the month; if not paid by noon, services will be terminated. $50.00 Reinstatement Fee.
If you have any questions, contact City Hall at 785-549-3447 or
Water Rates: (Ordinance No. 465)
In City Residential:
$24.25 minimum up to first 1,000 gallons
$12.00 per thousand for next 3,000 gallons
$13.00 per thousand for 4,000 gallons or more
Out of City Residential:
$31.02 minimum up to first 1,000 gallons
$14.52 per thousand for 3,000 gallons or more
$15.87 per thousand for all usage over 4,000 gallons
Sewer Rates: (Ordinance No. 438)
In City Residential:
$19.50 minimum up to first 1,000 gallons
$1.75 per thousand gallons for all usage over 1,000 gallons.
TRASH Trash Totes, owned by Green Environmental Services, are included in your monthly billing. Trash pick-up day is Thursdays. Trash should be placed curbside Thursday before 6am. (Residential Customers are encouraged to put your cart out on curb the NIGHT BEFORE.) You are expected to keep the trash and trash totes off the street except on Wednesday Nights/Thursdays.
**Trash Pick Up By Green Environmental Services will occur between 6am-6pm on Thursdays.
**Holidays: During weeks that include a Holiday, Trash will be picked up on Friday. (See Facebook link on Home Page for current news)
**Discount: Green Environmental Services offers a discount of $1/mo to residential citizens 65yrs and older with 1 Trash Cart. (To get the discount applied to your account contact City Hall. A copy of drivers license is required)
As much as possible, the lid should be closed shut. If you are unable to consistently shut the lid due to excess trash, contact City Hall about getting another tote. (additional fee per tote) Residents will be allowed one large item in addition to trash tote to be picked up weekly.
Residential Customers Can Contact Ottawa Sanitation for additional bulk items and pay for the extra service directly over the phone. Contact Green Environmental Services at 785-242-3227.
City Council Minutes
July Minutes 2023
City Ordinances
Vicious Dogs Ordinance No. 462 Click to Read
Animals In City Limits Ordinance No. 455 Click to Read